Wednesday, March 21, 2007

More on Ron Guenther

I can't believe the following after reading this story:

1. The university is excusing Guenther's behavior:

Richard Herman, chancellor of the Urbana-Champaign campus, called Guenther "the ultimate fan."

"I think this was an unfortunate lapse and he is very embarrassed by it and certainly regrets it," Herman said. "You don't get to lapse into being just a fan when you are an [athletic director]."

Herman said Guenther had apologized to Weber and noted his plans to call Carter.

"My own view was it was less directed at any individual but toward the poor play on the court," Herman said.

2. Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany didn't come down harder on Guenther:

"When you're on press row, you're better off to act like an objective media person," said Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany, who was at press row for first- and second-round games at the United Center. "I'm sure Ron recognizes that. He's an adult and adults make mistakes."

3. Guenther still hasn't said publically that he's sorry. It's all been reported third person. That in my mind is the biggest problem. Just own up to your mistake and move on. Please.


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